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Welcome in SMM Sr. Sec. School


Distinctiveness of S M Memorial Sr. Sec. School

“ Education should teach children how to think and not what to think”- This is the dictum on which the foundation of this institution was laid a century ago. A perfect jugalbandi of Indian ethos and modern education, where children are trained not merely to score marks but to be good human beings, who contribute to making this world a better place.

Creative imagination and creativity are the cornerstones of the vision of the foundation of S M Memorial Sr. Sec. School. Education with a holistic perspective is ensured where the development of every person’s intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potential is ensured.

Experiential Learning is encouraged through innovations like flipped classes, Reflection Sheets etc. Sports and co-curricular activities are given place of prime importance along with academics in the curriculum to encourage all- round development. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows and that is what we at Modern strive to do.