Sports & Yoga

Sports & Yoga

  •   Physical Fitness activities form an integral part of the college curriculum.Spacious play grounds for Football (Three), Volley ball (four), Basket ball (two), Hockey (one), Cricket (one), Kho-Kho (one), Polo (one), Hand ball (one) & Skating (one).
  •  Well-maintained courts for Tennis (one), Table Tennis (one), Badminton (two).
  •   Facilities for Judo, Karate, Tae-kwon-do and Martial Arts.
  •   Active participation of the students in organizing various events.


  •   Yoga is an integral part of school curriculum to gain spiritual ,emotional and psychological control over the mind.
  •   Highly qualified Yoga Teacher who has lead Yoga team of K.U.K. for competition in North Indian Universities.
  •   Chanting of Shlokas and Bhajans during Sandhya.
  •   Sadhna & Meditation for memory enhancement and to improve concentration.